Friday 20 December 2013


As i mentioned before in my introduction post, i recently started juicing. Although it may not be for everyone, for reasons i will explain, juicing is definitely something i enjoy and will continue to do into the future. For those of you who don't know what exactly juicing does - it eliminates a large percentage of the fibre found in the pulp of vegetables. Since i have intestinal problems involving breaking down fibre, juicing allows me to receive the nutrients from vegetables without having to go through the overwhelming digestive process. 

Some people choose not to juice because of various reasons including the amount of waste produced, how expensive it can be (buying the juicer itself and then buying all the fruits and vegetables) and because it's time consuming to clean the juicer itself. I completely understand these reasons however i do think you are able to work around them. 

For example, i did research for a few days and finally came to a decision on what juicer to buy for myself, the Breville BJE200XL. Although Breville juicers are normally expensive i was sure i could find some sort of deal. I bought my juicer on sale from Amazon and ended up saving $60.00. Besides Breville juicers, there are SO many other affordable name brands to choose from depending on how much you want to spend, you just have to do your research! My juicer is everything i wanted - durable, compact as well as SUPER easy to clean. Since i don't juice every day, the cost of groceries doesn't really go up for me when juicing either.

I think that if you're determined to receive the benefits, you can make juicing work for you and your budget. I wanted to show you guys a juice that i make quite frequently as i seem to always have the four ingredients on hand and it's delicious. Two things to mention. One, don't wear anything nice when drinking this because carrot juice STAINS! Don't make the same mistake i did, haha. Two, you'll notice as you're drinking the juice that it may separate. I always have a spoon on hand to give it a mix while drinking.



  • 2 granny smith apples
  • 3-4 carrots (i used 3/4 of a bag of baby carrots)
  • 1/2 of a lemon
  • Chunk of ginger

  • Set up your juicer, with juice jug at mouth. Turn on juicer.
  • One at a time, place each ingredient into the filter basket and firmly push down with the 'plunger.' Some people recommend peeling the lemon and ginger but it's unnecessary. They also say to put certain ingredients in before others to mix the flavours better but i find my juice mixes fine after i pour it into another cup from the juice jug it finished in.
  • Once finished juicing immediately empty the pulp bin and rinse, if not completely clean, each part of the juicer. If you aren't able to clean each part after you're done, rinsing them will help you SO much when you go to clean them later.
  • Additionally, i find juicing fruits and vegetables causes the juice to end up a little on the warm side so i add ice to mine before drinking. Enjoy!

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