Sunday 9 February 2014


Apologies for the hiatus but since i've been home things have been crazy, especially with taking care of Damon after his surgery. I'm back and here to stay!

While stopping over in Toronto (Pearson Airport) on my way home from this past hitch, i decided that i was going to try a few different health snacks so that the next time i'm in a rush to catch a connection i know what i do and don't like. 

I went to Bar:120, which sells quite a few healthy snack options oddly enough since it's primarily a bar, and bought five things including Karma Wellness Water, Odwalla Micronutrient Fruit Smoothie, Pro Bar in the flavour Superfood Slam, Natural Sins Crispy Coconut Thins and Oikos Honey Greek Yogurt.

Let's just say it didn't go as good as i planned! Since i already know and love Oikos yogurt, it was really only four new products. Two i liked and two i didn't so it basically ended up being 50/50. I thought i'd give a quick run down and my opinion of each product.


1) Karma Wellness Water in Passionfruit Green Tea

Price: 4.99 + Tax

Pros: Absolutely packed with vitamins, gluten free, lactose free, low calories, low carbohydrates and low in sugar. Made with spring water and natural flavours. 

Cons: The taste might be an issue for some people since it's sweetened mainly with stevia.

Opinion: To be honest i haven't tried many vitamin waters because i heard a lot of bad things about them but i'm 100% sold on this one and will definitely be buying it again during my lay-over. Love the taste and the nutritional value. The "Peel, Push, Shake, Transform" is also a fun sales pitch for mixing the vitamins into the water.

2) Odwalla Micronutrient Fruit Smoothie

Price: 3.99 + Tax

Pros: Insanely high content of spirulina (1420 mg) as well as other vitamins and minerals. Includes no trans or saturated fats.

Cons: High in calories and somewhat high in sugar for the size of the bottle.

Opinion: After doing a review on the Naked juices, i wanted to try another option available at the airport. I'm open to a lot of juices but this one tasted awful. I don't like sprouts so i think that's what did me in. Could've also been the high content of spirulina. I don't mind the high calorie content because i'm normally drinking them as a meal replacement anyway so i'm going to test out another flavour next time. 

3) Pro Bar: Surperfood Slam

Price: 4.29 + Tax

Pros: Has omega-6 and omega-3 (hard to come by in food), great ingredients and moderate sugar/sodium contents.

Cons: Tastes absolutely disgusting and is way to expensive for how small of a bar it is.

Opinion: I honestly took one bite and almost threw up, i definitely won't be buying this again.

4) Natural Sins Crispy Coconut Thins

Price: 4.99 + Tax

Pros: Since coconut is naturally sweet this flavour had the least amount of added sugar, lots of fibre and saturate fats (the good kind) along with some protein in there too.

Cons: Very Expensive for the amount you get in the bag.

Opinion: These were so good!! They're crunchy so they definitely satisfied my craving for chips and something sweet at the same time. I will definitely be buying these the next time i'm passing through. 

5) Oikos Honey Yogurt

Price: 3.00 + Tax

Pros: I find i can always rely on greek yogurt, no matter what brand. I don't mind the price either when you realize it's always more expensive than regular yogurt along with being sold in the airport.

Cons: Too much sugar for such a small container of yogurt, i normally buy plain yogurt and sweeten with stevia to avoid this at home.

Opinion: Love it, also a nice treat for being offshore for so long with not a lot of dairy. The yogurt offshore is also packed full of sugar so this is a better option for me.

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