Saturday 18 January 2014


As one of my New Year's resolutions this year i am setting a goal to be able to run steady for 20 minutes with a pre and post walk time of 5 minutes. Since i absolutely dread running when i exercise i've been finding it hard to get into a routine to achieve this goal. Yesterday on Pinterest i found an image detailing a beginner's running challenge. I've decided to incorporate this into my daily exercise to eventually be able to achieve my goal. 

With this challenge there are predetermined goals for each week, over a course of 12 weeks. Once one week is over you then move onto the goal for the next week, etc. I have been running for the past two weeks now and felt that i was OK to start at Week 5 of the challenge, which means i should technically be able to run for 20 minutes in 8 weeks. I'm not going to lie it took will power to get me through Week 5 today but once i was done i was super proud of myself. I'm excited to see how i do over the next two months following this challenge

Hope you all are getting along well with any health or fitness related New Year's resolutions you've made for this year. At around this time in the month a large percent of us will give up our New Year's resolutions. Stay motivated and set goals for yourself no matter how easy they might be, you'll still feel so much better about yourself after achieving something rather than nothing. 

"You can feel sore tomorrow or you can feel sorry tomorrow."


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