Sunday 5 January 2014


Although i love a good black cup of coffee and it's metabolism benefits, it makes me have to pee A LOT. When i'm offshore and working long hours i need to get as much sleep as possible without having to wake up 5 times during the night. When i'm working a 12 hour shift, i turn to coffee to either keep me awake or keep me warm since the air conditioning is always on full blast in the south.  

For this hitch i decided to bring a couple TAZO teas with me to try instead of drinking coffee. The two flavours of tea i brought are Zen and Wild Sweet Orange. I thought each of these would fulfill my needs for both caffeine and something warm to drink. So far so good! Each are very tasty, especially the orange.

Zen is a green tea with a moderate caffeine level. I find i don't normally require a lot of caffeine so this is just enough for the pick me up. It's ingredients include green tea, lemon verbena leaves, spearmint leaves, lemongrass, natural flavours.

Wild Sweet Orange is an herbal tea with no caffeine. It's ingredients include lemongrass, blackberry leaves, citric acid, rose hips, spearmint leaves, colours, orange peel, hibiscus flowers, natural flavour, rose petals, natural orange essence, ginger root, liquorice root and liquorice extract.


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